We act in accordance with the Guiding Principles of United Nations on Business and Human Rights.
WE ALL IN BAUWERK GROUP (BWG) WILL ACT in accordance with the Guiding Principles of United Nations on Business and Human Rights (resolution 17/4 of June 16, 2011) and in accordance to our values and specifically will:
- Seek to avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts through our own activities, and address such impacts if they do occur in a timely and appropriate manner.
- Seek to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts that are directly related to our operations, products and services through our business relationships.
- If we identify that we have caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts, provide for or cooperate in their remediation through legitimate processes.
- Continue to look for ways to support the promotion of human rights within our operations and our sphere of influence.
Wherever we operate, we will comply with local laws and regulations, and cooperate with the relevant authorities in respecting and promoting internationally declared human rights.
- Where local legislation is more stringent than our Policy, local requirements will apply in addition to the Policy.
- Where local legislation may conflict with the commitments contained in our Policy, we will comply with the law and seek to raise awareness of human rights within our spheres of influence and provide an example of good practice through our own business conduct.
- Where local legislation is less stringent than our Policy, we will adhere to the commitments set out in our Policy.
With regard to our key stakeholder groups, we specifically commit to the following:
Our People and local communities(*):
- Invest in our people by providing development opportunities and encouraging continual learning.
- Promote a culture that fosters workplace flexibility and work/life balance.
- Ensure safe working places and building up permanent awareness for safety at work
- Not tolerate harassment or discrimination in our working environment.(*)
- Provide fair wages and benefits. (*)
- Protect the health and safety of our people at work, and promote their well-being. (*)
- Provide a secure working environment. (*)
- Not tolerate forced, bonded or involuntary labor (*)
- Not tolerate any instances of child labor. (*)
- Where we have concerns that other community members are directly linked to human rights violations, we will use our Policy as a basis to communicate our expectations to the relevant party/authorities.
Our Suppliers:
- Where we have concerns that the products or services supplied to us are directly linked to human rights violations, we will use our Policy as a basis to communicate our expectations to the relevant suppliers (existing suppliers or potential suppliers at the point of selection) and work with them to mitigate these impacts, as appropriate. A corresponding risk assessment will be part of our Supplier Relationship Management and auditing system.
Our Customers:
- If we have concerns that our work will be directly linked to human rights violations by a client, discuss our concerns with relevant parties, seek to mitigate the impacts and only proceed if we are comfortable that our work will not contribute to human rights violations.
- Be prepared to walk away from clients and engagements where our integrity could be called into question if we continue
We encourage all stakeholders to report and express their concerns relating to our activities and suspected violations of our policies, including this Statement. We maintain reporting mechanisms at both a Global level and in each country to allow stakeholders to report these issues. Further information on our grievance mechanisms is available in our Code of Conduct. Point of contact in regard to suspected violations are all Human Resource Managers, and/or all Management team.
In the event that our business activities are suspected of causing or contributing to human rights violations, we will investigate, address and respond to the concerns raised and take appropriate corrective actions in response to any violation.
All Bauwerk group (BWG) staff is required to adhere to this Statement. The Management Team is responsible for reviewing this Statement periodically to reflect our ongoing engagement with stakeholders, as well as emerging requirements and good practices.
We will actively communicate this Statement to our People and will use it as a basis to engage internal and external stakeholders (including suppliers and customers) on human rights issues, as appropriate.
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Respect for nature and for the requirement of environmental sustainability is reflected in our processing and management of raw materials.