BOEN hardwood floors and underfloor heating? No problem! Read here why...
Hardwood flooring and underfloor heating – do they even go together?
Experience tells us that they do, and it can even have advantages. The room climate for underfloor heating is in general more stable than in rooms with radiators.
The thermal resistance of hardwood floors are low, meaning that heat transfer is hardly hindered. Hardwood flooring placed on underfloor heating is also cost-effective. What must be taken into account is that woods such as beech, maple and jatoba are more prone to form gaps than e.g. oak.
It is important therefore to ensure the right room climate is achieved. We recommend that hardwood floors should be permanently adhered to underfloor heating. This means that you will have a permanently stable floor under your feet.
Underfloor heating
Hardwood has high thermal conductivity and is ideally suited to laying on underfloor heating.
Please note the following:
- Hardwood floors fully adhered to the subsurface ensure better heat transfer.
- Maximum output of underfloor heating system is 60 W/m2.
Temperature of substructure at 29°C (27°C in the Scandinavian countries) - Relative humidity 30-65%
- Be aware of the fact that rugs with a rubbered backside will have an insulating effect and prevent an even heat flow. Rugs will also affect UV-lighting.
Climatic Conditions
Wood is a living material that is affected by the environment.
The moisture content is controlled by the air’s relative humidity (RH), which is the ratio of “dry” and “wet” temperature.
In specific countries, the climate varies considerably from summer to winter. This is also the case indoors, especially during the heating season. The relative humidity during very cold periods can be as low as 10 to 15%. In public buildings (offices, etc.) or passive houses where there are stringent ventilation requirements, the relative humidity can be as low as 10%.
BOEN flooring withstands a relative humidity of 30-65% at a temperature of 18°C. All interior woodwork dries to the equivalent humidity of the surrounding air, causing shrinkage and the formation of cracks. It is therefore of great advantage to supply moisture to the air, for example by using a humidifier. Both humans and plants will feel more comfortable.
For more information please contact the BOEN sales team or your installer.
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